Deloitte released their annual HR Trend report this week and it's a doozy.To download the whole thing, click the link at the bottom of this page. For a TL;DR version, here's a summary of some of the top trends that stood out to us:

The Network of Teams:

One of the big shifts predicted isn't solely an HR Trend at all, it's a growing movement in organisational structure. Going from the familiar old triangle hierarchy (with tidy departments locked away in silos), to a more fluid team-based structure assembled around projects. For recruiters and HR people, this means big changes. From basics like job titles, to more complex operational ecosystems, the very concept of a team member is changing. The gig economy is here.

"Businesses are becoming more like Hollywood movie production teams and less like traditional corporations, with people coming together to tackle projects, then disbanding and moving on to new assignments once the project is complete."

Splitting out "engagement" and "culture":

The hot trend for 2015, we usually saw these two words locked together, spoken as if they were actually one word with too many consonants. Cultureandengagement. Now we're seeing them considered (and measured) separately. This allows companies to come up with really targeted strategies and solutions to build culture and improve employee engagement. And those are increasingly complex (and vital) goals for any teams that balance generational differences and remote workers.

"Culture describes “the way things work around here,” while engagement describes “how people feel about the way things work around here.”

Workplace learning is the new ping-pong:

We used to attract talent with snazzy office furniture, pingpong tables and a fully stoked kitchen, but now we're shifting to a more valuable (but less rock'n'roll) carrot: On-demand learning programmes. Some are doing this really well, and some (63% according to Deloitte) could be doing it better. Either way, there's a clear focus on creating opportunities to upskill, re-train and generally explore passions in the form of easily accessible, online courses. This is not your traditional Learning and Development process. Say goodbye to heavy, expensive proprietary L&D programmes, and hello to integrated, participant-initiated web courses. YouTube, MOOC's and design thinking approaches are gaining in popularity.

So bored of pingpong

Using design thinking to redefine the HR role:

Simplifying the crazy web of processes and tech used in a typical recruiting or HR role is high on the agenda for 2016. More people-people (HR, recruitment and culture heads) are using design thinking to redefine the way they do their jobs. This means the flexibility to redesign complicated processes. Finding ways to simplify, streamline and put candidates and employees at the centre, rather than conform with ye olde traditional approaches. Technology is becoming more intuitive and fun to use. And richer data means awesome new tools that integrate seamlessly and make your job easier (seriously, you should see some of the amazing stuff our product team has planned).

"Design thinking casts HR in a new role. It transforms HR from a “process developer” to an “experience architect.”

You can download the full 2016 HR Trend report here and read about these (and loads more) trends in detail.

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