One question, four ways to answer

Sometimes the littlest tweaks are the ones that get people the most excited. Like introducing video into the pre-screening process way back in 2018 – that got clients (metaphorically) jumping around squealing. 

The 15-second videos let recruiters get to know candidates, get a feel for who they are and also add some fun to the process. John Hollands used video as part of their grad campaign.

“It made it fun for them and us, and it lets you see how they’d fit into the business,” says Steph Havard, Resourcing Advisor.

More choice for a more inclusive candidate experience

As we're getting deeper into our Accessibility project, our focus on supporting diversity and inclusion got us thinking. We realised that as useful as video is for recruiters, it can put some candidates off. Perhaps they’re used to being discriminated against for how they look or speak. Perhaps video just makes them feel horrible or it's not easy to record on their device or internet connection. Whatever the reason, there was a risk that including video could mean our clients weren’t seeing big chunks of candidates. So a change was in order – again, another simple one that makes a big impact. 

Introducing the multimedia question

Our multimedia question now lets candidates choose how they answer: video, audio, an image or in a typed response. 

You can customise any question to be asked here - connect it to one of your core values, make it a place for candidates to share some experience or just use it as an opportunity to inject a bit of fun into your process.

Either way, your candidates will choose how they want to respond to the question (with a bit of helpful guidance), then upload an image, video, audio or simply type in their answer. 

If they mess up or have second thoughts, no drama. They can edit their answers at any time before they submit them. They can even swap answer-method if they get half way through a video and decide they're feeling uncomfortable and would prefer to switch to text or audio, or if they've found the perfect image to represent their answer.

Then, as the recruiter you can see the answers right there in the candidates’ profiles, in just the same way you can view a VideoIntro or click into the answer to any other assessment question. Easy. 

Keen to take a look at our new multimedia question? We’d love to show you - just book a demo or get in touch with your customer manager today.