They say it takes 10 years to be an overnight success. Well, this April Weirdly will be half way to ten and just quietly, I think we might be a bit ahead on that timeline.

It’s hard to believe it was only 5 years ago that Dale, Simon, Hayden and I were sat in our local Indian restaurant, toasting the decision we’d made to leap into the unknown together. I remember the slightly-nervous excitement; Wondering whether we’d all still be friends in 5 years (we are), if our product would work globally (it does), whether Dales’ eyelashes could possibly be real (they were), and mostly, if we’d made the right call.

Would people continue to value candidate experiences? Were our predictions about company culture accurate? Could global orgs rise to the authenticity-challenge when it came to their values?

Five years into the climb, our customer list has put those anxieties to rest (and, you know, introduced a few new ones).

We’re now working with some of the biggest and most exciting brands in the world. Creating best-in-class candidate experiences, building tools for recruiting teams and hiring managers that make their days a little lighter and brighter.

Our team has grown to cover three markets. We have an office in Sydney and a base in the US. Our product team is extraordinarily talented and our psych crew is developing fresh, new ways of thinking about assessments.

We've added babies, homes, marriages, new skills, and, in Dale's case, many, many airpoints.

Our team looks very different to that evening 5 years ago, but the core values we established then haven't changed and the excitement is still high.

Help us celebrate: Nominate your mates

Here at Weirdly, we like to spend our birthdays celebrating other cool stuff we see happening and this year is no different.

Given that we’re officially half way to being an overnight success (according to the royal “they”), we thought we’d take this chance to celebrate other people who are pushing hard to achieve lofty goals.

It’s easy to celebrate success at the end - once you’re standing at the top of the mountain. But getting there can be a lonely journey.

So we’ve designed up a few You’re Awesome packs to send out to people who are part way up their own mountains. It’s a way for us to say

“Hey, we see you striving. You’re doing an awesome job, keep going!”

We want you to nominate anyone you think deserves one of these packs.

They might be a friend, work colleague or maybe someone in your community you’ve watched work relentlessly toward a goal you admire.

Maybe your nominee has been plugging away for years working to master a new language. Maybe they’re training hard to shave 2mins off their marathon time. They could be working all the hours to execute a major project at the office.

Whatever their mountain looks like, we want to hear about it. Jump into our website by clicking the button below and nominate them today.

We’ve only got a handful of these to give away, but never fear! Every single person you nominate will also get an email letting them know that someone out there has noticed their hard work and thinks they’re pretty great.
Getting unexpected encouragement feels awesome. Almost as awesome as we’re all feeling at Weirdly HQ, hitting 5 years old and growing faster than ever before.

They say it takes 10 years to become an overnight success. If this is only half way through, the next five years are going to be a heck of a ride!

Curious about how Weirdly could help give you a best-in-class candidate experience? Book a no-strings chat with our team today.